Muito felizes em anunciar que QUANDO A TERRA FOGE, de Frederico Lobo, foi a curta vencedora do prémio “Gli occhi sulla città 2024” do Laceno d’Oro International Film Festival @lacenodorofilmfestival.
Uma grande notícia que trazemos junto com as sensíveis palavras do júri sobre o filme:
“Quando a Terra Foge’ is awarded Best Film for its amazing ability to convey, through an intensely cinematic language, the essence of the place where it was created and, above all, the deep relationship between humans and nature. […] Each frame, like a painting, and its evocative soundscape summon a sense of suspended time, allowing us to rediscover a deeper dimension of existence. […] is a poetic experience not measured in minutes but in emotions: a work that makes us feel the largeness of a breath transcending its format through its pictorial vision.”
Os nossos parabéns à toda a equipa!
O filme é uma coprodução Terratreme Filmes e Rua Escura Filmes.