Active Life

Susana Nobre

Documentary / / 2013' / 2013

New Opportunities were a portuguese education program with a focus on the academic certification of adults who left school early. Applicants will improve their academic degree from the re-elaboration and re-interpretation of his “life experience.” These processes motivated workers to reflect on their working conditions, their training, their roots, producing a plurality of views about the school, emigration, the rural world and the universe of employment. Having its protagonists stories as a starting point, the film approches into a reflection about work in the contemporay world. This film was produced over four years work by the film director in a New Opportunities Centre.

DIRECTING, PRODUCTION, IMAGE Susana Nobre Editing João Rosas ADDITIONAL IMAGE Sara Morais, Luís Miguel Correia Sound Susana Nobre, João Matos Colorist Marco Amaral Sound Mix Carlos Abreu READINGS Luís Albino Producers João Matos


DocLisboa, Portugal '13
Extensão do DocLisboa Macau, Macao '14
Festival Internazionale di Cinema e Donne, Italy '15
Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona, Spain '15
37th Edition Festival of Cinema and Women, Italy '15
P: ANAMÓRFICO ' Kinociclo do Individual, Braço e Prata, Portugal '15
DESOBEDOC - Mostra de Cinema Insubmisso, Portugal '16
The Global Labor Film Festival, Various '16
Festival Márgenes, Spain, Mexico, Uruguay e Colombia
Lima Independiente Festival Internacional de Cine , Peru
Mostra CineTrabalho Itinerante / Brazilian International Labour Film Festival - BILFF, Brazil '16
Centro Cultural da Malaposta - Olhares Transversais, Portugal
ESE Escola Superior de Educação, Portugal '17
European Art Cinema Day, Argentina’18