Francesco Giarrusso was born in Treviglio (Italy) in 1980. He graduated in Cinema at the University of Bologna and is a PhD student in Cinema at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In 2003, he co-directed the short films Toni da Guine and A Terra, os Velhos, um Homem as part of the Communication Sciences course at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In 2005 he co-directed the medium-length film Esterno. Valle, as part of the “Documentary Filmmaking” course organized by Lab 80 Film (sec.Futures selection at the Cortopotere Festival). In 2006, he was an intern directing the short films O Agent de Filipe II by José Diogo and Busca-se Amigo by Vítor Moreira, produced by David & Golias Audiovisuais. In 2008 he co-directed and edited the institutional videos of the AEPGA and Associartecine associations. In 2009 he co-directed Canto da Terra d’Água produced by Terratreme.