Trading Cities

Pedro Pinho

Luisa Homem

Documentary / 16mm / 138' / 2014

In 2008, the growing tourism industry of Cape Verde was frozen. The building of many hotels and resorts by foreigner companies had to be stopped due to a shortage of sand. The sand industry, primary resource for the production of concrete, had reached a dramatic level, endangering the beaches. This event caused a huge euphoria among the businessmen of Mauritania. A great number of trucks started to flow to the Nouakchott port, where many boats sail out to feed the tourist constructions in Cape Verde. Trading Cities starts in Lisbon on a cargo ship. We will undertake an Atlantic route that re-enacts these daily travels, in order to highlight the physical and social transformations in the landscape that these exchanges produce.

DIRECTING, IMAGE, EDITING Pedro Pinho, Luísa Homem Sound Raquel Marques, Rita Hermínio Sound Mix Miguel Martins Colorist Andreia Bertini Producers Leonor Noivo, Joana Gusmão, João Matos, Filipa Reis, Rita Hermínio, Inês Luz


CO-PRODUCTION Uma Pedra No Sapato


Prize Coup de Coeur - FIFIG - Festival International du Film Insulaire de l'île de Groix '17


FID Marseille - International Film Festival Marseille, France '14
Festival dei Popoli, Italy '14
Art of The Real - Film Society of Lincoln Center, USA '15
Cabo Verde International Film Festival, Cape Verde '14
DocLisboa, Portugal '14
Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival, Portugal '14
Festival Filmer le Travail 2015, France '15
Ethnocineca – International Documentary Film Festival Vienna, Austria '15
Há Filmes na Baixa, Portugal '15
Filmer A Tout Prix, Belgium '15
Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português, Portugal '15
Festival Internacional de Cinema da Fronteira, Brazil '15
DocSS - Festival Internazionale del Cinema Urbano, Italy '15
Extensão DocLisboa Macau, Macao '16
Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg, Germany '16
FCAT - Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa- Tánger, Spain '16
FIFIG - Festival International du Film Insulaire de l'île de Groix, France '17
Cinemateca de Lisboa, Portugal'17
Festival de Cinema Português na Rússia '17
Cinema Lusco Fusco, Brazil '18
Mostra Contemporânea de Cinema Português, Brasil'18
European Art Cinema Day, Argentina’18
Nova Cinema, Bélgica'19
Cantina do M_EIA , Mindela, Cabo Verde'23
MICE - Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico, Espanha'23